In Home Care

With his service, a single caregiver is booked daily for 24 hours. One caregiver can be at the home for four to five days per week. On the other days, a different caregiver will take over the senior’s care. Caregivers do need a break during the 24-hour period, though, and it’s up to you or your loved one to decide if you want coverage for that time or not. Express Professional Homecare caregivers need a sleeping break, and a bed must be provided for them. Live-in care is often billed at a flat rate per day with hourly billing for any coverage requested when the caregiver is on a break.

A live-in caregiver is typically permitted a 4-hour break in a 24-hour period. If they leave the home while on break, the senior is either left alone or needs a family member to intervene for that time. Plus, the caregiver is given a mandatory sleeping break at night, so the aging adult will not have direct supervision at that time.

If around-the-clock care is needed, we can provide two options—24-hour home care and live-in care—to ensure a qualified caregiver will be present throughout the day and night. Both around-the-clock care and live-in care are great alternatives to assisted living or nursing home facilities, as we enable aging adults to receive 24/7 care while remaining in the comfort of their home. The two services are slightly different, so learning the differences between the two services can supply more insight into which option is better for you or your loved one:

Live-in Care

With this service, a single caregiver is booked daily for 24 hours. One caregiver can be at the home for four to five days per week. On the other days, a different caregiver will take over the senior’s care. Caregivers do need a break during the 24-hour period, though, and it’s up to you or your loved one to decide if you want coverage for that time or not.

Express Professional Homecare caregivers need a sleeping break, and a bed must be provided for them. Live-in care is often billed at a flat rate per day with hourly billing for any coverage requested when the caregiver is on a break. A live-in caregiver is typically permitted a 4-hour break in a 24-hour period. If they leave the home while on break, the senior is either left alone or needs a family member to intervene for that time. Plus, the caregiver is given a mandatory sleeping break at night, so the aging adult will not have direct supervision at that time.

One of the most significant advantages of having live-in care is that the number of caregivers is limited, with ideally two caregivers covering a full week. With just two caregivers, there may be greater consistency in care and seniors have the opportunity to build a relationship with their caregivers.

24-Hour Home Care

With 24-hour care, two Express Professional Homecare Nursing Agency caregivers are typically booked daily, and each works a 12-hour shift. Or, there might be three 8-hour shifts. There is no need to provide a sleeping break during a 12-hour visit. 24-hour care is usually billed at an hourly rate. The overnight stay is charged at an hourly rate if it is a non-sleeping visit and at a flat rate if it is a sleeping visit.

The elderly adult has the benefit of having support at all times during a 24-hour period, and a caregiver will be awake even throughout the night to ensure they have maximum support. The shorter shift option may ensure that caregivers are more refreshed and there is no time in the day that coverage lapses.

However, since this type of care is billed hourly, it can add up quickly. Also, there may be more and varied caregivers with this option, so may not be the best option for a senior who needs or desires familiarity.

Ultimately, every aging person’s situation is unique, and every senior has individual preferences and needs. To find the best option for yourself or a loved one, contact a member of our caregiving team today to discuss the details with them. Call Express Professional Homecare Nursing Agency to learn more about our live-in services and how we can provide you with the professional health care you can trust.